
Sardonic, satirical conservative humor. The best kind, in other words.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Picture Would've Been Worth a Thousand (of Warner's) Words

Kenneth Anderson's Law of War and Just War Theory Blog: Does the NYT pay Judith Warner for her thoughts?

I think her self-description says all we need to know. She even sounded smug as she painted herself all small, dark, uncoiffed, unmade-up there among what must have been the behemoth females of the wilds of Northern VA. I had this image of archetypal fecund mommies looming over poor, spare, almost-barren Judith.

But I call b.s. on the Brie for breakfast line. My kids eat any animal product known to man (and some not yet discovered). That includes Brie, chevre (thank you, John Malkovich to George Clooney in the Coen Bros' latest) and bleu. But for breakfast, it's "Leggo my Eggos" and fry me up some bacon, mom. (OK, I nuke it.) Please. Judy's kids must go to private school via leisurely limo if she has time to let the Brie sit out long enough to arrive at room temperature--which is the way it MUST be eaten, one knows. Get me my stunt-teenager in here to roll her eyes and say, "Whatever."

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